Thursday 2 May 2013

Final Music Video




Magazine Advert

Evaulation : Question 1

Evaluation : Question 2

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts (Digipak, Magazine Advert)?

Our ancillary texts were created using Adobe Photoshop. We used the different features it contains in order to help us easily manipulate the images we were using to create exactly what we had planned for our music video.

The images above [ancillary texts] are our official digipak covers. The digipak includes the main actor of the music video. The outside cover shows our actor with speech bubbles from his lips reach across in the the bigger picture which is the titles on the back of the digipak or from this point of view, the middle of the digipak.  We thought this was a good way of portraying the concept behind the song, video as well as the lyrics as the song is fundamentally  about "expressing yourself". 
Expression tend to be done through either speech or images, as they say, an image says a thousands words. Through this idea, we thought of integrating both speech and image to create the final product [digipak] not forgetting it fits brilliantly with "expressing yourself". The use of the speech bubble is something we thought of as being important in reinforcing recognition for our product hence we decided to link it not just with the whole of our digipak but the magazine advert. 

The inside of the digipak show the centre where the CD is placed as a big Cloud or speech bubble. This was done to show speech and ideas can also be express through music, in this case the CD holder. The words "Express Yourself" in colourful text on the left side of the digipak are used in a fun manner to illustrate how expression can be done through different ways. The eccentric writing gives a sense of originality, to express yourself in a way which is "outside the box".  The images were taken from our music video we created with the exception of the speech bubbles and eccentric text. This was intentionally done to link the ancillary texts together for the main product and reinforce its recognition. My partner and i wanted to show a sense of cohesion when creating our media text.


As stated earlier, we wanted all the ancillary text to be linked in some sort of way. The best way to do this was to stick to something which in a way can be said to be the 'House style'. The magazine advert uses an image from the music video we created  to further emphasise the relation between the main product [music video] and ancillary texts [digipak & advert]. The speech advert was used in order to stick to the house style to show expression, in this case marketing expression of an advert. The spotlights were used to highlight the advert and it is also another form of expression as spotlights are associated  to highlighting  or individualise someone so every can see him. We deliberately used symbolism with the ancillary texts and the main product as symbolism has been used for thousands of years as methods of expression. 

I think that the mixture of these features which link the ancillary texts and the music video is more than effective and reinforce the one with each other. 

Evaluation : Question 3

What have you learned from your audience research?

To conduct or audience research we first created a survey monkey containing vital questions that would allow us to understand where, if anywhere, we went wrong and what my strong points were concerning the products. Below is an image of the question contained in the survey.

We asked a selection of people to watch the video and showed them the ancillary texts and then we asked them to complete this survey, showing their feedback.

13 out of the 20 people that gave audience feedback were male and all of the participants were either below 18 or between 18 and 24. This is because we aimed for the teenage audience when creating this video. This is due to the fact that teenagers are most associated with pop music than any other age group. When asked what they would rate the video out of 10, 4 of the 20 gave it a 6, 12 of the 20 gave it an 8, 3 people gave it 5 and the remaining 1 person giving the video a 4/10. The majority of people gave the video quite a high rating which allows us to know that we have appealed to the audience well. However the 4 people that gave it 5 and below shows that us we did not reach perfection with the product and it didnt appeal to everyone, however we feel it is almost impossible to please everyone and so a few bad ratings are expected. In future we may attempt to reach a larger audience which may give us better ratings with the audience.

The wordle above was used to illustrate the answers to question 4 which was, 'What did you like most about the video?'. As you can cleary see the most common answers were things such as Fun, Energy, Different. These were what we aimed for when creating the product, to be fun and different from other music videos whilst maintaining conventions of a pop video to ensure we appealed to that audience. This has taught us that maintaining conventions whilst adding your own originality makes your product appeal to an audience and keep their attention as they like to see what they are used to, but they also like to see a twist to keep them interested. We feel we did this effectively as shown by the results of the question.

Question 5 was 'What did you least like about the video?'. This would allow us to take in the negative feedback and ensure that we corrected these things next time. Some of the feedback we received included people saying,

"It was way too repetitive, there needed to be more things in the video."
"Some of the shots were too long, this makes the video boring."
"You should of had more effects"

These comments have taught us that when creating a music video fast paced editing is essential to keep it interesting; especially a pop video as they are supposed to be high energy and fun for the audience. Also the repetitiveness of the video was not appealing to some. In the future we need to ensure we add some variety to the video and make sure the audience do not have to see the same thing over and over as they may get bored of this and this may effect their view of the video. Finally as a group we learnt that effects can make a video more appealing to an audience of teenagers. They like to see different things in a video and not the same as other videos. Effects would have given my video a more unique feel and maybe would have appealed to a wider audience. These are things which I would consider if I was to re-create the video.

Questions 6 and 7 were made to give feedback on the cohesion of the whole product, including the ancillary texts and the music video. Question 6 was 'Do you think the music video related well to the song?'. This was a closed question and so only gave yes or no answers. 16 of the 20 participants said yes, whereby 4 of them said no. This is a good result as it means we created a product that most of the audience thought related to the song. The aim of the video was to express the song and so I feel we have succeeded in this task.

Question 7 was 'Would the music video and ancillary texts(Digipak/Magazine) encourage you to buy the song?'. This was the question that would inform us whether the connection between the ancillary texts and music video was good enough to encourage people to purchase the song which was the main purpose of the products; to promote the artist and entice the audience to want to buy the product. 13 of the 20 said yes to this question. I would consider this a success as in today's music industry the purchasing of music is on a downward spiral and more and more people are downloading illegally  therefore the fact that our media texts would entice a majority of the audience to go and purchase the product is a good sign. However I have learnt that a good video and ancillary texts is not all that is required to promote a song or artist, as 7 of the 20 said no. This is something we may have to work on, next time our group create a media text like this to promote an artist or song we may have to add more features to entice the remaining audience to purchase the product. This could be things such as a competition to win something if you purchase the product, a signed copy of the product, merchandise to go with the product, etc.

Overall I feel that the audience feedback has allowed us to learn what to do next time to improve my product and it has also taught me that a video and ancillary texts are not all that is required to successfully promote a product, however I feel we have been relatively successful as the majority of the audience gave positive feedback.

Evaluations : Question 4

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Costumes and Props


This is our animatic which we will use to guide us in the making of our music video "Express Yourself".

Making Animatic

This is the software we used to create our animatic. Final cut express is the ideal program for editing and putting images or videos together. We will also be using this software when editing our music video.

Wednesday 6 February 2013

Shooting Schedule

Contingency Plan

Name: Bradley Williams & Nicolas Orozco
Production: “Express Yourself”

Potential problems and how to overcome these problems:
If the leisure centre closes or the basketball court is out of bounds we will have to get access to another leisure centre. There is a leisure centre 5minutes away from the Robert clack leisure centre and so if need be we can try to gain access to this leisure centre for filming. There is also a leisure centre one bus journey away, which we may be able to use if we gain correct permission. If the playground becomes out of bounds there are two other playgrounds along Dagenham avenue, which are open to the public, which we could use. There is also a basketball court across the road from these playgrounds.

Risk Assesment

Risk Assessment Sheet

Title: “Express Yourself” – Music Video
Writer: Bradley Williams & Nicolas Orozco
Producer: Bradley Williams & Nicolas Orozco
Director: Bradley Williams & Nicolas Orozco
Date: 15/12/2012
Major Issues:

Filming at: 
Kids playground using the playground apparatus. The playground is the principle scene in the music video. We will use the playground a way of expressing yourself which goes in line with the name of the music video. 
We will also be filming at a sports hall with people excercising hardcore with heavy weights and perhaps basketballers playing too. 
We plan to film in the middle of the road as cars go past on both sides and the person doing the lipsynching will be walking towards the camera as the camera moves back at teh same time. 
We will make sure at the playground the apparatus are safe to use and will cause no harm.
Further more, the scene in the sports centre with the use of the gym and sport hall will have appropriate safety measure in place in order to facilitate the filming and no injury is caused. We will thoroughly plan everything that will be done before it is filmed so that everything runs smoothly when recording the video. 

Emergency services:
On Site Services:     02087241100
Local Police:999 
Local Fire:999
Local Hospital: 999

Wednesday 30 January 2013

Digipak Plan

We are currently planning the creation of our digipak as we also create our music video. The base plan for our cover can be seen below. It shows where exactly the CD will go in as well as the front and back of the CD covers. It also shows where the cover will fold in order to make it appear as a normal Digipak.

Wednesday 23 January 2013

Music Video Editing

This is a screenshot of some of our scenes from the take 2 shots taken a few days ago. Here we have been putting the captured shots in order from introduction and thereon.

These shots displayed on the right are all the different captures we have currently done with the camera. We will be using this very often to get specific scenes and shots to integrate with our chosen music.

This shows the captured shots and the music being aligned together to create the music video.

Monday 21 January 2013

Filming Day 2

We have officially began filming our first scenes for our music video. As it was snowing, we decided to use this in our video to our advantage. We got different shots from different angles in order to facilitate our editing when we properly arrange and edit our music video together. We used our main actor and another actor who interacted with our main actor for a short while in the music video. They both did a small dance and then dispersed, leaving only the main actor in the video. We will film more scenes at a later date to enable us to enhance our video.