Thursday 2 May 2013

Evaluation : Question 2

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts (Digipak, Magazine Advert)?

Our ancillary texts were created using Adobe Photoshop. We used the different features it contains in order to help us easily manipulate the images we were using to create exactly what we had planned for our music video.

The images above [ancillary texts] are our official digipak covers. The digipak includes the main actor of the music video. The outside cover shows our actor with speech bubbles from his lips reach across in the the bigger picture which is the titles on the back of the digipak or from this point of view, the middle of the digipak.  We thought this was a good way of portraying the concept behind the song, video as well as the lyrics as the song is fundamentally  about "expressing yourself". 
Expression tend to be done through either speech or images, as they say, an image says a thousands words. Through this idea, we thought of integrating both speech and image to create the final product [digipak] not forgetting it fits brilliantly with "expressing yourself". The use of the speech bubble is something we thought of as being important in reinforcing recognition for our product hence we decided to link it not just with the whole of our digipak but the magazine advert. 

The inside of the digipak show the centre where the CD is placed as a big Cloud or speech bubble. This was done to show speech and ideas can also be express through music, in this case the CD holder. The words "Express Yourself" in colourful text on the left side of the digipak are used in a fun manner to illustrate how expression can be done through different ways. The eccentric writing gives a sense of originality, to express yourself in a way which is "outside the box".  The images were taken from our music video we created with the exception of the speech bubbles and eccentric text. This was intentionally done to link the ancillary texts together for the main product and reinforce its recognition. My partner and i wanted to show a sense of cohesion when creating our media text.


As stated earlier, we wanted all the ancillary text to be linked in some sort of way. The best way to do this was to stick to something which in a way can be said to be the 'House style'. The magazine advert uses an image from the music video we created  to further emphasise the relation between the main product [music video] and ancillary texts [digipak & advert]. The speech advert was used in order to stick to the house style to show expression, in this case marketing expression of an advert. The spotlights were used to highlight the advert and it is also another form of expression as spotlights are associated  to highlighting  or individualise someone so every can see him. We deliberately used symbolism with the ancillary texts and the main product as symbolism has been used for thousands of years as methods of expression. 

I think that the mixture of these features which link the ancillary texts and the music video is more than effective and reinforce the one with each other. 

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