Wednesday 14 November 2012

Preliminary Exercise

For our first preliminary task, we had to get familiar with how to create a music video with lip-syncing. The purpose of the preliminary task was to practice editing the music to the lip-syncing. The song we done was 'Don't go breaking my heart'  By Elton John.

The filming took place at Robert Clack lower school in the playground with trees and benches in the background. This was the main setting for the filming. Due to the song being a duet, we obviously had a girl and a boy doing the lip-syncing. However this proved to be difficult as it was the first time they would be doing a video of this kind.
After the filming we had to ensure the lip movement of both participant was in time with the music playing to make it look genuine. Although it was a difficult task as both participants would sometimes lack the minimum lip movement required to make it look as though they are singing. Nevertheless, we tried the best we could to make the edit look very neat.

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