Monday 26 November 2012

Target Audience- Summary of Findings

In our focus group, we predetermined through the use of our studies what our audience would like in a music video as well as what they think makes a good music video.

With questions asked on a small scale survey, we found out that two of the main answers regarding what made the favorite video their 'favorite' was those which involved a dance routine. This clarifies to us as a group that videos which contain some sort of particular dance, whether it be made up or choreographed, effectively helps to induce a music video. It is no surprise then some videos which are the best of the best, for example Michael Jackson's 'Thriller', which is the No.1 music video of all time, is based 75% on dance routines.   

Another example which amplifies the idea that perhaps dance is the main success of a music video is a current music video which is taking the world by storm, 'Gangnam Style' by music South Korean Artist PSY. The only word of which i understand of the song is 'style', presumably because it's all in Korean, however, this hasn't stopped the music video for getting most views on YouTube and getting on almost every music chart in the world. We as a group when making our music video should consider these factors which are effectively enhancing the audience of the music video. We will therefore take this into consideration when making our music videos in order to widen our audience and indulge their attention.  

In the survey a question which had many similar answers was 'what do you like about music videos?' Our audience had very similar views. The common view stated by them was again, 'Dance', but furthermore, music videos had a special something which give views a deeper insight into the true meaning of the song, this allows them to better understand the music/lyrics by the use of a video.
As a summary, the target audience gave frequent answers to the expectations of a music video, they answered things like, dancers, excellent use of visuals and effects, story line and surprises with a bit of comedy. They mostly view their music videos on YouTube or through the TV in channels such as MTV or Kiss. 

These findings will aid us in the production of our music video as a final product and effectively enhancing our audience. 

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